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Parea AI

Optimize Your Language Model Like a Pro



Prompt Experimentation: Experiment with various prompt versions to identify the most effective ones for your specific production use-cases.
One-Cck Prompt Optimization: Elevate LLM results with a single cck, streamning the optimization process.
Test Hub: Organize and evaluate prompt performance with ease, including CSV import of test cases and customizable evaluation metrics.
Studio Feature: Manage and create OpenAI functions while viewing all prompt versions in one central location.
API and Analytics Access: Programmatically access prompts and gather vital observabity and analytics data, including cost, latency, and efficacy insights.
Dedicated Support: Receive tAIlored feature development and dedicated support to maximize your utization of Parea AI.
Upgrade your LLM performance with ease using Parea AI's seamless one-click optimization. Effortlessly organize and assess different prompt versions with the all-inclusive Test Hub for streamlined testing. Access prompts programmatically and gather vital data for optimization through API access. Manage OpenAI functions and prompt versions conveniently in one centralized Studio. Benefit from personalized support and feature development to maximize the full potential of Parea AI.
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